EcoSonic® VpCI®-125 HP Permanent ESD Bubble Film and Bags powered by Nano VpCI® combine vapor phase corrosion inhibitors with cushioning packaging bubble bags and permanent ESD protection to protect sensitive electronic equipment from corrosion, physical damage, and the creation of triboelectric charges.
EcoSonic® VpCI®-125 HP Permanent ESD Bubble Film and Bags, produced by the latest available technology, work by saturating the enclosed airspace with Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors that form a protective molecular layer on all packaged metals without leaving behind a noticeable film or residue. The bubbles serve as cushioning, dunnage, and void fill material.
Available in custom-size rolls, sheeting, or heat-sealed bags. Please contact Cortec Corporation for information and minimum quantity requirements. To ensure best product performance, store in original packaging, indoors, and out of direct sunlight at 4–38°C (40–100°F).
Shelf life: 2 years
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